lunes, 4 de febrero de 2008

Getting in the Swing

This is my room. To even my surprise, I make my bed every day. All my clothes are folded above my bed and I almost always have a glass of water before I go to bed or else my feet swell. I really like it here, there's not a whole lot here, but I think that's what I like so much.
Today I started classes as well. It was a little overwhelming even though I only had one class, social philosophy. I came into the class and everyone kind of looked at me as I was sitting down, all 7 of them not including the teacher. She asks what my name is and I give it to her, but I'm not on the list. We quickly rectify that by me showing her my schedule. As I'm sitting down a little closer to the front due to the level of noise coming in from outside and also the low volume of the professor's voice I realize that not only are there 8 people in this class including me, but I'm the only girl. I'm also the only sociology major, but this is a little less obvious. I struggled through the class with a little bit more attention than everyone else, but I think its going to be really interesting. She does want class participation which is good and bad due to my lack of verbal skills, but hopefully I'll be able to learn more Spanish at the same time. The class ends and the teacher recommends to me (while the whole class is starring at me) that I make a few friends and get a few phone numbers so that I can talk with someone about the homework. That was not a problem, I met three of the seven other students in the class and exchanged numbers with two of them. Hopefully they'll be able to help me. I think I'm going to start doing the homework ASAP even though the next class is Thursday because it'll probably take me forever.
Tomorrow I have two classes, both of them are with Jill and Laura, so at least there will be two other girls in those classes. I also think, after many attempts, I finally have the schedule I want despite the fact that I have classes on Saturdays. I wouldn't be surprised if the class I had today will be my hardest, but we'll see.
Something else really exciting happened to me over the weekend. I went to a party with a someone I met through a mutual friend. WOO isn't that exciting? No but really, at this party I was able to talk to a lot of people in Spanish, and some of them actually knew what I was saying. Also I happened to meet Daniel Ortega's grandson. For those of you who don't know who that is, he is currently the leading politician of the Sandanistas (the grass root movement currently in power in Nicaragua) and also the President of the country. That's right, I met the grandson of the president!!! I was so excited, we actually talked for a little and he seems like a good guy.
Things are getting off to a good start so far, I'll make sure to keep you posted.

1 comentario:

eotter dijo...

May I just say. Way to go and keep it up. You sound like a trooper will all of your new friends!

May I also Say that i TOTALLY know what it feels like to be stared at 24/7? its an interesting experience, eh?